You can get rid of your saggy skin which is occurred especially postpartum and a result of excessive weight loss from belly. You can have a flat, beautiful belly and abdomen with tummy tuck.



Abdominoplasty is the general name given to the procedures for shaping sagged abdominal skin and anterior abdominal wall that has lost its aesthetic appearance. While thinning is provided in the abdomen and waist with diet and exercise, it is often not possible to remove sagging skin and anterior abdominal wall laxity.

In abdominoplasty aesthetics, it is aimed to get some fat along with excess and flabby abdominal skin. In addition to this, tightening of the front wall of the abdomen is also achieved by thinning your waist and providing a harmonious appearance with your body. It is also possible to get rid of the abdominal skin cracks (usually under the navel).


Abdominal aesthetics can be applied to both men and women. Abdominal skin sagging can be seen especially in people with excessive weight loss where skin elasticity is not sufficient or women who have given birth. In these people, there is often a skin excess and diastasis recti on the anterior abdominal wall. Both of these conditions can be treated with abdominal aesthetics.

The most important thing to know about this surgery is that it is not a weight loss procedure. Likewise, liposuction is not a weight loss process. The common goal of both is to correct body contours. It is recommended that you have your ideal weight for abdominoplasty. Otherwise, if you are overweight, fat around your abdominal organs will continue and waist thinning techniques may be ineffective because it is impossible to  intervene in the abdomen (around the organs) with this surgery. Ideally, your body mass index (weight / square of your height) should be below 25.

Another important point is that you should quit smoking before the surgery. Smoking can disrupt your skin circulation. For this reason, patients who smoke generally do not undergo abdominoplasty. It is recommended that you stop smoking for at least 4 weeks earlier.

In the planning of this surgery, it is very important whether or not to conceive a baby again. Pregnancy can reverse the results of this surgery. However, if there is a long period of 10 years between the surgery and your pregnancy, you can perform abdominoplasty with non-permanent suture techniques. In this way, your pregnancy will not be affected in any way after 10 years. However, in this case, your abdomen may return to your preoperative condition after pregnancy and the need for re-operation may occur. Therefore, if there is a short period of 1-2 years between your surgery plan and your pregnancy plan, it is recommended that you complete your pregnancy first and give birth to a healthy child, then you have this surgery.

As long as your weight remains stable, the result of surgery is permanent. Therefore, it is very important that the result of this surgery is supported by diet and sports and you do not gain weight. After surgery, you can return to light sports like jogging within 1 month and heavy sports like fitness within 3 months.


You will be thoroughly examined by our doctor before surgery. As a result of this examination, you will decide together the abdominal aesthetic technique that is most suitable for you.

The techniques that can be applied for abdominal aesthetics are:

Liposuction: Information about classical, laser assisted or ultrasound assisted liposuction procedures is given in the liposuction section.

Abdominoplasty: In this process, all the sagged and cracked tissues under the navel are completely removed (leftmost picture). However, the slack on your anterior abdominal wall is removed from the inside to provide thinning on your waist (second picture from left). Your abdomen is stretched downwards (third picture on the left) and your belly button is removed from the same level on your downward stretched abdomen skin (rightmost picture).

Full Abdominal Stretching with Liposuction (Lipoabdominoplasty): In addition to the procedures described above, liposuction is applied simultaneously to the whole abdomen and waist area. This results in a more refined and natural result.

Mini Abdominal Stretching: This technique is suitable for patients who do not need to be treated with tissues above the navel. The tissues under the navel are removed, and if present, the slack in the anterior abdominal wall under the navel is tightened from the inside.

All these techniques are designed to keep your scars inside your bikini. Scars often heal unnoticeably well, but it should be noted that genetic structure, nutritional status (especially vit c.), additional diseases, or certain medications are also effective in wound healing.


Hospitalization after this surgery is usually about 1-2 days. In order to prevent the concentration of liquids inside, thin hoses called drains are used. These thin hoses can be pulled in 1-2 days on average. You can take a bath 2 days after drains are removed. It is sufficient for most patients to dress for an average of 3-4 days. The products to be used for dressing will be described to you by your doctor at your discharge.

Drugs will be applied to your anterior abdominal wall muscles and ribs with special techniques in order to minimize your pain. Contrary to common knowledge, this will reduce your pain on the first day after surgery. The pain of abdominoplasty is considered to be quite acceptable thanks to the medications given in the hospital on the first night and oral medications taken on the second and third days. From day 3 onwards, the pain disappears severely in the vast majority of patients.

It is important that you consider your recovery period after this surgery and adjust your surgery to your social and business life. Our patients can return to their social lives on the 3rd day and to their countries and jobs at the 1st week. It is recommended that you do not gain weight after surgery and start light sports such as jogging at the end of the first month.


       You can visit our instagram account to see our tummy tuck before and after photos

       For further information, please contact us.