
        Mammoplasty is reshaping of breasts that have lost their allness,shape,originality and aesthetic-sexual value due to congenital, in process of time , developmental and surgical-accident reasons  by means of refinement, lifting, reduction,providing symmetry, hanging, stiffening, clarification and augmentation processes.

Mammoplasty can be applied to single or both breasts of a middle-aged woman as well as to an adolescent and to a person whose breasts were taken at any age due to breast cancer.




It is a procedure to bring the breast into the desired volume and appearance by using a breast implant for persons with low or no breast volume and breast sagging depending on pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Surgery time,

The development of breasts is completed at the age of 18 and surgery can be performed after this age.

With proper techniques and methods in prosthetic surgery, surgery can be performed before giving birth and there is no harm in breastfeeding the baby.

Before the operation,

Breast ultrasound or mammography examinations may be required prior to breast surgery.

Interviewing patients who have had surgery before and seeing their before-after photos  can give an idea to the patient. However, the technique of surgery and the type of implant to be used will be different for each patient.

Before surgery, the technique of surgery to be performed and the size of the implant to be applied roughly is decided.

Size of the implant,

In order to determine the volume of the breast implant, the person's desire, length-weight-shoulder width, the condition of the existing breasts and the structure of the chest cage are important.

Since the breasts are formed from fat and breast tissue, their size is closely related to weight.

The existing shape and size of the breasts will determine the volume of the targeted implant and the technique of surgery.

The volume of the breast can be calculated with a software programme by measuring the  inner outer diameter of the breast at the lower edge and the distance of the nipple to the chest.


Types of implant,

Implants are divided into various classes by looking at their contents, shapes and surfaces.

 According to the contents,

The implant is covered with a thin silicone layer, regardless of its content. According to its content it can be classified as ;

a)      saline water which we call serum physiological,

b)      cohesive gel silicone

c)      serum physiological surrounded by cohesive gel silicone combined implant

Serum physiological implants if for any reason (traffic accident, stabbing, stabbing, gunshot wounds, etc.) is punctured and excreted serum is absorbed by the body, it does not harm the body. However, the consistency of the implant and water sensation may disturb the patient over time.

The outer sheath of the implants containing cohesive gel is silicone and the inside is non-fluent gel silicone. If they are drilled for any reason, they will not spread to the area. As the consistency is more intense, the shaped breasts are obtained.

Combined implants provide natural appearance as well as correcting small details (especially in asymmetric breasts).

 According to the shapes,

The rounded implants are in the form of a half sphere and provide a fuller look to the upper half, which forms the breast decollete.

Anatomical implants are in the form of drops and are more compatible with the natural shape of the breast. They form a fuller appearance in the lower half of the breast after insertion

When the round implant is placed under the muscle, it gains a drop prosthetic appearance and provides sufficient volume in the upper pole and the breast base.

- According to the surface,

They are classified according to their smooth or rough surface.

Rough surfaces are preferred due to the more effective inhibition of capsule contracture in the implant placed under the breast, while smooth surfaces are used in implants to be applied under the muscle.

FDA approval in implants also provides confidence in the implant. It is very important to use lifelong guaranteed brands.

Surgical techniques,

Position of implant

There is a breast muscle between the breast tissue and the chest cage. Implants can be placed between the breast and the chest muscles, or under the muscles of the chest and the chest cage.

When the implant is placed on the muscle, there is a rapid improvement, however, a natural image such as under the muscle may not be seen, the upper edges of the implant can be seen from the outside, and can be felt by hand. But the breast base is full.

It is more difficult to notice the implant edges placed under the muscle and to be felt when examined by hand. For this reason, a natural look is gained. The capsule is less likely. Postoperative recovery may be a few days longer,  pain can be felt in the first few days with shoulder and arm movements that cause chest muscle contraction.

(With the dual planned implant, the upper part of the implant is placed under the muscle and the lower part of the implant is above the muscle, which gives the breast the ideal appearance.)

Implant application places,

Implant can be placed into four different locations from entering the chest area:

a) Nipple circumference,

The surgical incision is about 4 cm in length in a semi-circle shape at the boundary of the breast and the brown area of the lower edge of the nipple. The operation incision is healed by leaving a faint trace around the nipple.The implant can be placed under the muscle or above the muscle.

As the nipple milk channels and the nerves that provide the sense to  the nipple can be affected in the surgery, there may be permanent or temporary loss of sensation in the nipple and lack of milk after the surgery.

It is the most suitable method for implant application when breast lifting is performed in people with excessive breast sagging. Approximately 4 cm straight line (vertical) line may be formed under the nipple due to the drooping condition.

b) Inframammary fold

The incision is about 4-5 cm long along the inframammary fold.

The operation incision is healed by leaving a faint trace on the fold line.

Theimplant can be placed over the muscle or under the muscles.

When the implant is inserted by entering under the breast inframammary fold, the milk glands are not damaged and the nerve that provides the sense for the nipples is less likely to be affected.

c) Armpit

Under the armpits, a 2-4 cm long incision is made according to the type of the implant and a tunnel extending towards the bottom of the breast is prepared and the implant is placed through this tunnel.

Implants are placed under the chest muscle in this way.

Since the operation incision is under the armpit, there will be no signs of surgery in the breast area. The traces of surgery under the armpits disappear with time because of the curvature.

Breast milk channels and nipple nerve is not affected.

d) Under the belly when tummy tuck

During the tummy tuck, a tunnel is made that runs towards the bottom of the breast and the implant is placed through this tunnel. Only suitable for patients with abdominoplasty planned.


Postoperative recovery

After surgery, there may be slight pain in the arms and tension in the breasts which can be relieved with painkillers.

After surgery, you should rest in bed with the back part elevated.

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Hospital stay is one night.

The next day, the armpit or breast dressing is renewed and the band on the breast that you will use for about 15 days is reapplied.

In the early days you can see your breasts slightly larger because of the edema, but as the edema decreases, the desired size will be reached.




Although it is a surgery performed by aesthetic surgeons to correct the appearance of large breasts; It is a reconstructive surgery which is supposed to solve problems caused by big breasts like back pain, posture disorder, headache, shoulder pain, difficulty in breathing, collapse in the shoulder with bra straps, hygiene problems under the breast (such as diaper rash or fungal infections).

After drawing the location of new breasts according to the patient's height and breast weight, excess breast tissue and excess skin are removed under general anesthesia. The operation lasts 2-4 hours on average.


Postoperative recovery

Hospital stay is 1 or 2 days. You may need to wear corset bras for 7 days. You can take a shower one day after discharge. The first check-out time is the 3rd day. You can start your daily activities on the 3rd day, your walks in the 1st week, the sports activities on the 10th day and the heavy sports such as pilates-swimming in the 1st month. Swelling after surgery, numbness on the nipple, bruising on the breast is possible but it is temporary.


On the 5th day after the surgery, if you have completed your recovery, you can return and travel. However, you should take a two-month break from activities such as swimming and heavy exercises that work arm and chest muscles.

Surgery complications,

There are few postoperative complications such as bleeding and infection in the early period.

Due to the inadequacy of the implant and the nest where it is to be placed, it is possible that the implant is moved up and down, the two implants stick together in the middle of the chest as we call symmastia.

Larger implant applications may cause sagging in the breast.

Especially in prosthesis placed at the nipple, there may be shortage of milk supply and loss of nipple sensation may be temporary or permanent.


The body senses the implant as a foreign body and forms a capsule around it. For capsule contraction, which may occur in certain degrees over time, replacement of the implant may be necessary.

Frequently Asked Question For Brest Implant

* Breast implants are silicone and silicones are inert substances. It does not react in any way to the body and can remain in the body without deteriorating its lifetime structure.

* It is scientifically proven that breast implants do not cause cancer.

* After breast implant, breast ultrasound before the age of 40  and breast MR (magnetic resonance) imaging techniques after the age of 40 are used for routine breast examination.

* Slight sags can be improved by prosthetic surgery, while overly applied implants may cause sagging of the breasts over time.




Over the years, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and gravity cause loss of elasticity of the connective tissues within the breast and the skin. As a result, the shape of the breast deteriorates, begins to soften and sag. In addition, nipples may be wider than normal.

Breast uplift is a surgical procedure in which internal breast tissue is formed by removing excess skin over the breast to reshape, steep and harden sagging breasts. At the same time, the nipple and circumference are brought into the required position and the width of the nipple circumference can be reduced. As an alternative method, only the silicone implant can be used in patients with low breast sagging.


Breast Uplift Surgery is Suitable For Whom?

Anyone with sagging breasts and excess skin can have breast uplift surgery. Some patients have undergone breast uplift surgery after losing excess weight or having a weight loss surgery. Sometimes, this surgery is preferred to correct the asymmetrical breasts without using a silicone prosthesis. However, the main reason that many patients want to undergo this surgery is to eliminate the negative consequences of the natural effect of gravity after weight gain, pregnancy and / or breastfeeding.

If you are planning to have a child, please tell your doctor about the future pregnancy process as it may affect the results of breast lift surgery. The interview with our doctors will clarify the features and details of the procedure.


Breast Uplift Surgery Together With Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery (often with a silicone implant) can be performed simultaneously with breast uplift surgery for patients who are candidates for breast lift surgery and also want to increase the size and volume of their breasts. These two procedures can be done in two sessions, as well as in a simultaneous session.

Breast Uplift Surgery 

In breast uplift surgery, many factors, such as the size and shape of the chest, the stiffness, the location of the nipple circumference and the elasticity of your skin, must be considered; these issues will be discussed during your interview with your doctor before the operation. There is a scar around the nipple in all breast lift surgeries. In some patients it may be necessary to use a vertical track between the nipple and the breastfold and in some patients it may be necessary to use a horizontal scar during the breastfold along with this vertical trace.

Once the incision is opened, the underlying breast tissue will be reshaped. The circumference of the nipple is placed in a natural and symmetrical position, and the excess skin is removed to give the drooping skin a more youthful and beautiful appearance. The stitches are aesthetically disposed in such a way that they are not visible from the outside. A typical breast lift surgery lasts an average of 3 hours. However, this period is never certain. Our doctors continue your surgery until you get the most beautiful and aesthetic breast.


Healing Process

After surgery, dressing is enough for 2-3 days. As your breasts are healed, a post-operative support bra is worn on the 1st day to support both your breasts and reduce swelling. Usually a small thin tube is placed underneath the tissue (drain); The purpose of this tube is to allow more easy excretion of leaks after surgery. On the second day, these tubes are drawn varying from person to person. Pain treatment is sufficient for 48 hours. The hospital stay is 1 or 2 days. It is good to accompany you to someone after the operation and on the way home. On discharge you will be prescribed pain relievers, antibiotics, and scarring reducer.

Usually, our patients can return to normal business life within 7 days. Patients should avoid exercising and lifting heavy during the following 4 weeks. You should also avoid contacting the surgical site with water, unless otherwise stated in the postoperative follow-up. The average duration is 3 days. For several weeks after the operation, your breasts may swell and bruises may occur. This is extremely normal.

You cannot see and understand the results of breast surgery 100% unless the swelling in your breasts completely falls off.

It is essential for you to follow all of our doctors' recommendations during the recovery process of breast lift surgery to have perfect results  . If you have any questions or concerns after the operation, you can contact us directly.

Frequently Asked Qustions About Breast Uplifting Surgery

Is there a trace after the breast lifting operation?

Trace markedness after breast reduction surgery varies according to three things. These are the technique applied, the individual's genetics and environmental factors. In order to reduce the amount of traces, it may be preferable to use the abovementioned techniques in suitable patients. You don't have a chance to change your genetics for less traces. But you can reduce the clarity of traces by never smoking and feeding on protein-rich and vitamin C. Although it is possible to try to reduce clarity of traces, unfortunately it is not possible to wipe them off in today's technology.

Will there be a problem in the sensation or circulation of breast nipple after breast lifting surgery?

Although no such complication has occurred in any of our patients until now, there is a low probability of problems in the sensation or circulation of the nipple. Yet in this operation, the nipple is transferred to its new position on a thin stalk. While there is no way to fully understand the nipple feeding power of this stem during surgery, this risk is minimized by various measures and experience.


Can I Breast Feed My Baby After Breast Lifting?

In our operations, a technique that enables breastfeeding ability to continue is used. However, a reduction in the amount of breastfeeding may be observed due to the form of the operation. On the other hand, this depends on the type of surgical application, whether the patient has the ability to breastfeed before surgery and the anatomical features such as breast size. If breastfeeding cannot be achieved after surgery, the main reason for this is that the patient is not able to breastfeed for hormonal or genetic reasons. Because technically uplift surgery does not destroy breastfeeding but may reduce it.

       You can visit our instagram account to see our Mammoplasty surgery before and after photos

       For further information, please contact us.